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2022 - International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMS) em Groningen, nos Países Baixos

É com grande satisfação que divulgamos a realização do International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMS) em Groningen, nos Países Baixos.

Este é um dos congressos estudantis mais importantes e como a UNIFESP é parceira da Universidade de Groningen, no congresso da ISCOMS de 2022, haverá isenção das taxas para apresentadores.A data limite para envio dos resumos é dia 30 de janeiro de 2022 e o congresso ocorrerá de 8 a 10 de junho de 2022, em Groningen.Além disso, o ISCOMS Research Fellowship (IRF) é uma oportunidade que permitirá aos/as estudantes conhecer os Institutos de Pesquisa durante o evento (2 semanas) e planejar no futuro seu MD/PhD.

Video - https://youtu.be/gP7d1WHDA5M



Abaixo, o convite oficial:

The 29th edition of ISCOMS will take place from the 8th until the 10th of June 2022 at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). During ISCOMS, students are given the opportunity to present their own research in front of other students and professors  from around the globe. Last year we received 664 abstracts from students from 66 different countries. We wish to make this year’s congress even more successful.

Since Universidade Federal de São Paulo is a strategic partner of the University of Groningen, I received your contact details of Joyce Fongers. Joyce Fongers is responsible for the internalisation of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences (GSMS). GSMS has a special offer for students from the strategic partners of the University of Groningen: GSMS will cover the ISCOMS fees of the presenting participants.

We would therefore like to inform you about the opening of the abstract submission period of ISCOMS 2022. The abstract submission will be open until the 30th of January 2022.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were challenged to organise a digital edition of ISCOMS in 2020, as well as in 2021. Fortunately, this year we hope to host ISCOMS physically again together with several digital aspects, as we wish to make this year’s congress even more successful. Furthermore, we will host ISCOMS 2022 in Groningen within the confines of the COVID-19 measures of the Netherlands. Thus, irrespective of the COVID-19 situation, ISCOMS 2022 will definitely take place!

The programme of the congress consists of presentations from students, keynote lectures, interactive workshops, a patient lecture and a surgical operation. The keynote lectures include Nobel Prize Laureate 2011, Bruce Beutler MD. Furthermore, we host a social programme to give participants a chance to broaden their network and get to know each other.

To be able to promote our congress even more this year, we would appreciate your assistance by placing posters at your (bio)medical faculty. A copy of the poster or ISCOMS 2022 is attached to this email, as well as a letter addressed to students who may be interested in attending the congress. We would appreciate it very much if you could forward this email to your students and if you could mention the special offer for preferred partners as well. Thank you in advance.

For any questions, please do not hesitate to send us an email at iscoms@umcg.nl. Also, feel free to visit our website www.iscoms.com for more information about ISCOMS or watch the aftermovie of ISCOMS 2021.





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