Mapping Circuits and Brains with the Tools of Network Science and Connectomics

Webinário internacional do Programa Capes-PrInt será realizado no dia 13/8 às 11h

Webnário Olaf Portal

Título: Mapping Circuits and Brains with the Tools of Network Science and Connectomics

Palestrante: Prof. Olaf Sporns - Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University (USA)

Networks (connectivity) and dynamics are two key pillars of network neuroscience – an emerging field dedicated to understanding structure and function of neural systems across scales, from neurons to circuits to the whole brain. In this presentation I will review current themes and future directions, including structure/function relationships, use of computational models to map information flow and communication dynamics, and a novel edge-centric approach to functional connectivity. I will argue that network neuroscience represents a promising theoretical framework for understanding the complex structure and functioning of nervous systems.

Mapping Circuits and Brains with the Tools of Network Science and Connectomics
Data e horário: 13 de agosto (quinta-feira) às 11h
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Lido 3582 vezes Última modificação em Quarta, 08 Mai 2024 13:11
