Designing Medical Novelties
This program aims to further develop productive relationship among stakeholders in the research and development of human heath related products. It exploits the new concept of Health 4.0 and how does that translate to the Society and the medical activities in this reality. Support from public and private sector will be related to the patient centric design, mediated by regulatory aspects of either incremental or disruptive innovation. Possible ways for the entrepreneur organize teams, file patents or go for open licenses, and make use of established programs as the Fapesp-PIPE, in order to achieve traction will be discuss. The academic role and the ecosystem of incubators, laboratory prospection and legal opportunities under the new Brazilian laws are the continuity of this course, that ends with practical participation and integration health professionals to the team as novel initiatives such as the Biodesign. We expect to offer an opportunity for professionals of several areas of expertise and level of knowledge, a broad view and examples of user centered or universal design.
- ISBN: 9781439894941 - FRIES, R. Reliable Design of Medical Devices. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2013.
- PANDEMIA E CORRIDA TECNOLÓGICA: O BRASIL ... - RICTI." Acessado em dezembro 7, 2020.
- "Uma breve história das patentes - HCTE/UFRJ." Acessado em dezembro 7, 2020.
- "Agora é a hora para políticas de acesso aberto ¿ veja por quê." Acessado em dezembro 7, 2020.
- "Open Science Practices of the Brazilian academic ... - SciELO." Acessado em dezembro 7, 2020.
- "Resolução 170 - Consu - Agits da Unifesp." Acessado em dezembro 7, 2020.
- "PIPE FAPESP passa a receber propostas em fluxo contínuo ...." Acessado em dezembro 7, 2020.
- "Design Thinking Lean Startup Agile Diagram for PowerPoint ...." Acessado em dezembro 7, 2020.
- "Steve Blank Customer Development." Acessado em dezembro 7, 2020.
- Health Design Thinking - Creating Products and Services for Better Health- Bon Ku, Ellen Lupton - ISBN 978-0-262-53913-5
- O dilema da inovação - quando as novas tecnologias levam as empresas ao fracasso - Clayton M. Christensen- ISBN 978-85-7680-128-3
- Design - Quando todos fazem design - Uma introdução ao design para a inovação social - Ezio Manzini - ISBN 978-85-7431-786-1
- Gestão da Inovação - Joe Tidd , John Bessant - ISBN 978-85-8260-306-2