Outstanding equipment and facilities

3T Magnetic Resonance equipment available to Unifesp´s researchers


A new piece of high-field multitransmit Magnetic Resonance equipment (3.0 T), produced by Philips (Philips Achieva 3.0T TX, Eindhoven, Holland) is under operation.
The equipment is installed at the Magnetic Resonance building (Rua Napoleão de Barros, 800), in the Diagnostic Imaging Department.
The latest generation equipment, offering a huge research potential, was purchased  through an MCTI / FINEP / CT-INFRA-PROINFRA Public Call for Multiuser equipment.  See above under the Research / multiuser equipment tab the equipment characteristics as well as how to get in touch for appointments.


Unifesp's Multiuser laboratories count on pioneering microscopy


The equipment enables high-resolution images and may help describe important diseases and test new medications.
Among the novelties are two new high-resolution microscopes, one of which the first to be installed in the Southern Hemisphere and the other the first in the Americas, the Leica TCS SP8 CARS Confocal Microscope and the Leica SR GSD 3D Microscope, respectively. In all, ten laboratories have been remodeled formed and will be destined to be used by all the scientific community, not only by the institution´s researchers but also by those from the State of São Paulo and Brazil.
The difference regarding those pieces of equipment is the fact they enable images of cells and live tissues, which may help describe important diseases and test new medications for the treatment against cancer, diabetes, Parkinson´s, Alzheimer´s, among other conditions.