Programs and Social Projects

The Coordination of Social Projects at Unifesp’s Executive Vice-Rectorate of Extension and Culture centralizes the extra-mural actions of the Institution.

Its goal is to provide administrative and educational support to extension activities carried out on campuses participating in the planning of projects, programs, extension courses and events, publications, provision of services, as well as in the analysis, dissemination and evaluation of the extension actions of the University.


• to analyze, coordinate, control and evaluate the extension actions of the University (mainly social programs and projects), in accordance with the National Extension Plan;

• to maintain a bank of positions available for the participation of undergraduate students in social projects;

• to control Unifesp´s extension scholarships assigned to students to participate in programs and extension projects through an annual selection process;

• to maintain the exchange with the Vice- Rectorates of Extension and Cultures of other institutions aiming at the exchange of information, dissemination of courses and events, as well as possible partnerships;

• to propose, coordinate and organize meetings and forums for discussion and institutionalization of the University Extension (Meeting of Innovative Social Experiences, Meeting of University Extension, Extension Exhibition, Seminars, etc., always aiming at a specific theme for reflection);

• to propose the creation of awards for relevant social projects.

Currently, four units are linked to the Coordination of Programs and Social Projects. They are units of permanent activity with a teaching, research and extension character whose objective is to develop activities for the construction of knowledge on a specific problem or theme, articulating exchanges among the various projects and extension programs, departments, disciplines, study and research groups of the various Campuses and Academic Units of the University.

For more information, visit the Unit´s webpages:

NAI - Accessibility and Inclusion Center

NISAN- Interdepartmental Nucleus of Food and Nutrition Security

NUMEPI - Nucleus of Medicine and Integrative Practices

NUPREVI - Nucleus for the Prevention of Violence


