

The optional Internship is an internship modality designed exclusively for physicians regularly enrolled in a Medical Residency Program (MRP).

The selection process to carry out an optional internship at Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) is under the responsibility of the Academic Department of interest of the candidate.

The internship has a minimum duration of 30 days and a maximum duration of 90 days.



The Resident must refer to COREME located at Rua Botucatu n.740, second floor, until the 1st day of the internship to:

1. present a completed Registration Form, signed and stamped by the coordinator of the MRC  of the institution of origin, by the coordinator of the MRC of EPM, by the supervisor of the MRP of the requested internship at EPM/Unifesp and by the Foreign Resident.

Note: a copy of the registration form will not be accepted.

2. present proof of payment, via GRU-Simple, of the registration fee in the amount of R$ 40.00 (forty reais). See the Guidance to fill GRU simples.

3. After the document check, a Frequency Sheet and an Evaluation Sheet will be delivered to the Resident.


Completion Declaration

At the end of the internship, the Medical Residency Committee (MRC) will issue a Declaration of Internship Completion.

Certificate or Transcript of Records will  NOT be issued.