

The Unifesp Graduate Program in Applied Mathematics is dedicated to both theoretical and applied research in which the employment of the mathematical knowledge is required. We offer a Master Program in Applied Mathematics. The aim is to give the students a solid mathematical knowledge background in order to allow them to work in a variety of fields were Mathematics is required.

The Program has two main research areas: Analysis and its Applications and Algebra and its Applications. The researches developed by the faculty members include: Analysis, Functional Analysis, Numerical Analysis, Orbital Dynamics, Differential Equations, Optimization, Orthogonal Polynomials, Algebra, Lie Algebras, Noncommutative Algebras, Computational Bases, Code Theory, Combinatorics, and Number Theory.

The publications of the Applied Mathematics Program members is available here.

Some students of the Program have been sponsored by fellowships from CAPES and FAPESP, both being Brazilian agencies of research funds.

Besides the courses, professors and students meet together in the weekly seminar, where the recent advances in their researches are presented. Frequently we also have talks given by invited researchers from other institutions.

Information about the adimition to the master's degree program can be found here.


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