Unifesp’s Institutional Project for Internationalization is selected to participate in Capes-PrInt program

mapa mundi

Program will last 4 years, starting in November 2018.

Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp) was one of the 36 selected institutions to participate in the Institutional Internationalization Program (PrInt) of Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes). It will last 4 years, starting in November 2018.

The Program Capes-Print has the goal of fomenting internationalization in higher education and research institutions in Brazil, in order to increase the impact of academic and scientific production in the scope of graduate programs.

Unifesp’s Project was structured around strategic areas of research, including research projects developed in collaboration with various other countries. It will fund the following items: assistance for overseas work missions, maintenance of projects and scholarships abroad and in the country.

To the Deputy Rector for Graduate Studies and Research of Unifesp, Ruy Campos, this is an important achievement for the university, since it will allow a greater international insertion of the graduate programs with the coming of researchers and students of institutions from other countries. "We hope there will be a significant impact on student research and training activities", he says.

Prepared by Miriam Galvonas Jasiulionis, Secretary of International Relations, Vera Salvadori, consultant for international affairs, Daniel Campos de Carvalho, coordinator of International Programs and Projects of the Rectory for Graduate Studies and Research, and Alan Carneiro, professor of linguistic policies, with the collaboration of the coordinators of the research themes, the project was coordinated by the Rector for Graduate Studies and Research, Esper Cavalheiro.