Publicações 2016

1) ANTONELI, FERNANDO; FERREIRA, RENATA C. ; BRIONES, MARCELO R.S. . A model of gene expression based on random dynamical systems reveals modularity properties of gene regulatory networks. Mathematical Biosciences, v. 276, p. 82-100, 2016.
2) Aragão, Gleiciane S.; BRUSCHI, SIMONE M. . Concentrated terms and varying domains in elliptic equations: Lipschitz case. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, v. 39, p. 3450-3460, 2016.
3) AREA, IVÁN ; DIMITROV, DIMITAR K. ; GODOY, EDUARDO ; PASCHOA, VANESSA G. . Approximate Calculation of Sums II: Gaussian Type Quadrature. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (Print), v. 54, p. 2210-2227, 2016.
4) Birgin, E. G. ; Bueno, L. F. ; Martínez, J. M. . Sequential equality-constrained optimization for nonlinear programming. Computational Optimization and Applications, v. 65, p. 699-721, 2016.
5) Bueno, L. F.; HAESER, G. ; Martínez, J. M. . An inexact restoration approach to optimization problems with multiobjective constraints under weighted-sum scalarization. Optimization Letters (Print), v. 10, p. 1315-1325, 2016.
6) Campello, A.C. ; Jorge, G.C. ; Strapasson, J. E ; Costa, S. I. R. . Perfect codes in the lp metric- doi:10.1016/j.ejc.2015.11.002. European Journal of Combinatorics (Print), v. 53, p. 72-85, 2016.
7) Candido, Leandro. On embeddings of $C_0(K)$ spaces into $C_0(L,X)$ spaces. Studia Mathematica, v. 3, p. 1-6, 2016.
8) Candido, Leandro; KOSZMIDER, PIOTR . On complemented copies of $c_0(omega _1)$ in $C(K^n)$ spaces. Studia Mathematica, v. 3, p. 1-18, 2016.
9) Cox, Ben ; JURISICH, ELIZABETH ; Martins, Renato A. . The 3-point Virasoro algebra and its action on a Fock space. Journal of Mathematical Physics, v. 57, p. 031702, 2016.
10) DALET, A. ; PROCHAZKA, A. ; KAUFMANN, P. L. . Characterization of metric spaces whose free space is isometric to $\ell_1$. Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society Simon Stevin, v. 23, p. 391-400, 2016.
11) DAS CHAGAS CARVALHO, FRANCISCO ; da Silva Fernandes, Sandro ; de Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena . A numerical study for optimal low-thrust limited power transfers between coplanar orbits with small eccentricities. Computational & Applied Mathematics, v. 35, p. 907-936, 2016.
12) Gonçalves, L. D. ; ROCCO, E M ; Vilhena de Moraes, R. ; Prado, A. F. B. A. . Effects of the individual terms of the lunar potential in the motion of satellites around the moon. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, v. 1, p. 20-29, 2016.
13) PEREIRA DA SILVA E SILVA, DIOGO DINIZ ; de Mello, T. C. . Graded identities of block-triangular matrices. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 464, p. 246-265, 2016.
14) Strapasson, J. E ; Jorge, G.C. ; Campello, A.C. ; Costa, S. I. R. . Quasi-perfect codes in the $$ell _p$$ p metric. Computational & Applied Mathematics, v. x, p. 1-15, 2016.
15) ZUKUROV, JEAN P. ; DO NASCIMENTO-BRITO, SIEBERTH ; VOLPINI, ANGELA C. ; OLIVEIRA, GUILHERME C. ; JANINI, LUIZ MARIO R. ; ANTONELI, FERNANDO . Estimation of genetic diversity in viral populations from next generation sequencing data with extremely deep coverage. Algorithms for Molecular Biology, v. 11, p. 2, 2016.