Publicações 2013

1) ANTONELI, F. ; Bosco, F. A. R. ; Castro, D. ; Janini, L.M.R. . Virus Replication as a Phenotypic Version of Polynucleotide Evolution. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (Print), v. 75, p. 1-27, 2013.
2) AREA, IVÁN ; DIMITROV, DIMITAR K. ; GODOY, EDUARDO ; PASCHOA, VANESSA G. . Zeros of classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable. Mathematics of Computation (Online), v. 82, p. 1069-1095, 2013.
3) BEHLING, ROGER ; Haeser, Gabriel ; GONZAGA, CLOVIS . Primal-Dual Relationship Between Levenberg-Marquardt and Central Trajectories for Linearly Constrained Convex Optimization. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, v. -, p. -, 2013.
4) Bueno, L. F. ; A. Friedlander ; Martínez, J. M. ; F. Sobral . Inexact Restoration method for Derivative-Free Optimization with smooth constraints. SIAM Journal on Optimization (Print), 2013.
5) BRIETZKE, E. H. M. ; SANTOS, J. P. O. ; DA SILVA, R . Combinatorial interpretations as two-line array for the mock theta functions. Bulletin Brazilian Mathematical Society (Impresso), 2013.
6) BRITO, T P ; CELESTINO, C C ; MORAES, R V . A brief scenario about the 'space pollution' around the Earth. Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online), v. 465, p. 012020, 2013.
7) Candido, Leandro; Galego, Elói Medina . Embeddings of C(K) spaces into C(S, X) spaces with distortion strictly less than 3. Fundamenta Mathematicae, v. 220, p. 83-92, 2013.
8) Candido, Leandro; Galego, Elói Medina . A weak vector-valued Banach-Stone theorem. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, v. 141, p. 3529-3538, 2013.
9) Candido, Leandro; Galego, Elói Medina . How far is C(ω) from the other C(K) spaces?. Studia Mathematica, v. 217, p. 123-138, 2013.
10) Candido, Leandro; Galego, Elói Medina . How does the distortion of linear embedding of into spaces depend on the height of ?. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print), v. 402, p. 185-190, 2013.
11) Carvalho, J.P.S. ; Vilhena de Moraes, R. ; Prado, A.F.B.A. . Dynamics of artificial satellites around Europa. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Print), v. 2013, p. 1-7, 2013.
12) CARVALHO, J P S ; DE MORAES, R VILHENA ; PRADO, A F B A ; WINTER, O C . Analysis of the secular problem for triple star systems. Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online), v. 465, p. 012010, 2013.
13) DOMINGOS, R C ; DE ALMEIDA PRADO, A F BERTACHINI ; DE MORAES, R VILHENA . Studying the behaviour of averaged models in the third body perturbation problem. Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online), v. 465, p. 012017, 2013.
14) DOMINGOS, R. C. ; Prado, A. F. B. A. ; Vilhena de Moraes, R. . A Study Of Double And Single Second Order Averaged Models To Evaluate Third Body Perturbation Considering Elliptic Orbits For The Perturbing Body,. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Print), 2013.
15) Ferreira, R. C. ; ANTONELI, FERNANDO ; Briones, M.R.S. . The hidden factors in impact factors: a perspective from Brazilian science. Frontiers in Genetics, v. 4, p. 1-2, 2013.
16) FERREIRA, LUCAS C.F. ; MESQUITA, CLAUDIA A.A.S. . Existence and symmetries for elliptic equations with multipolar potentials and polyharmonic operators. Indiana University Mathematics Journal, v. 62, p. 1955-1982, 2013.
17) GOMES, V. M. ; FORMIGA, J. K. S. ; De Moraes, R. Vilhena . Studying Close Approaches for a Cloud of Particles Considering Atmospheric Drag. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Print), v. 2013, p. 1-10, 2013.
18) GONÇALVES, L D ; ROCCO, E M ; DE MORAES, R V . Orbital Disturbance Analysis due to the Lunar Gravitational Potential and Deviation Minimization through the Trajectory Control in Closed Loop. Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online), v. 465, p. 012013, 2013.
19) Jorge, Grasiele C. ; COSTA, SUELI I. R. . On rotated D n -lattices constructed via totally real number fields. Archiv der Mathematik (Printed ed.), v. 100, p. 323-332, 2013.
20) KOSHLUKOV, PLAMEN ; DE MELLO, THIAGO CASTILHO . The centre of generic algebras of small PI algebras. Journal of Algebra (Print), v. 375, p. 109-120, 2013.
21) KOSHLUKOV, PLAMEN ; DE MELLO, THIAGO CASTILHO . On the polynomial identities of the algebra. Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 438, p. 4469-4482, 2013.
22) Martins, Renato A. Intermediate Wakimoto Modules. Communications in Algebra, v. 41, p. 3591-3612, 2013.
23) Pardal, Paula Cristiane Pinto Mesquita ; Kuga, Hélio K. ; Vilhena de Moraes, R. . Analyzing the Unscented Kalman Filter Robustness for Orbit Determination through Global Positioning System Signals. Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management (Online), v. 5, p. 395-408, 2013.
24) Pardal, Paula C. P. M. ; Vilhena de Moraes, R. ; Kuga, H. K. . Unscented Kalman Filter Robustness Assessment for Orbit Determination Using GPS Signals. Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, v. 148, p. 117, 2013.
25) R. Vilhena de Moraes; Sampaio, Jarbas Cordeiro ; da Silva Fernandes, S. ou Fernandes, S.S. ; FORMIGA, J. K. . A semi-analytical approach to study resonances effects on the orbital motion of artificial satellites. Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, v. 148, p. 2773, 2013.
26) SILVA, R. A. C. ; Vilhena de Moraes, R. ; Zanardi, M. Cecilia . Um estudo da Libração Laplaciana. 1. ed. Sâo Paulo: Fundação Editora da UNESP (FEU), 2013. v. 1. 273p .