Publicações 2010

1) ANTONELI, F. ; Gaviria, P.A. ; Forger, M. ; Hornos, J.E.M. . On Amino Acid and Codon Assignment in Algebraic Models for the Genetic Code. International Journal of Modern Physics B, v. 24, p. 435-463, 2010.
2) ANTONELI, F. . Bifurcations in Dynamical Systems with Interior Symmetry. Dynamical Systems (Print), v. 25, p. 239-251, 2010.
3) ANTONELI, F. ; Dias, A. P. S. ; Pinto, C.M.A. . Quasi-periodic States in Coupled Rings of Cells. Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, v. 15, p. 1048-1062, 2010.
4) BIANCHI, A. . SAGBI bases for the kernel of certain locally nilpotent K-derivations on polynomial rings. São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences, v. 4, p. 177-187, 2010.
5) Brietzke, Eduardo H. M. ; Santos, José Plínio O. ; da Silva, Robson . Bijective proofs using two-line matrix representations for partitions. The Ramanujan Journal, v. 23, p. 265-295, 2010.
6) CARVALHO, J. P. S. ; Prado, A. F. B. A. ; Vilhena de Moraes, R. . Some orbital characteristics of lunar artificial satellites. Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy, v. 108, p. 371-388, 2010.
7) Haeser, Gabriel . On the global convergence of interior-point nonlinear programming algorithms. Computational & Applied Mathematics, v. 29, p.
125-138, 2010.