Composition and Assignments of the University Council

The Rectorate is the University´s central executive body, headed by the Rector, with its own structure. It is integrated by the bodies below,
with duties established by their own regiments. Besides the Rector and the Vice-Rector, the Rectorate is integrated by:

I- the Chief of Staff of the Office of the Rector;
II- Executive Vice-Rectorates;
III –Federal Attorney General;
IV- Consultants;
V - other bodies defined by General Regulation or created in compliance with its terms.
Consultancies and Rectorate bodies are:

I – Secretary for Planning;
II - Institutional Communication Department;
III –Secretary for International Relations;
IV - Strategic Committee for Information Technology;
V - Center for Intellectual Property and Technological Innovation;
VI – Prosecute Standing Committee;
VII - Ombudsman;
VIII - Secretary for Distance Education.