University Council

The University Council is the upper body of the University and comprises:

I - the Rector, who is its President;
II - the Vice-Rector;
III - Executive Vice-Rectors;   
IV - Directors of the University Units;
V - Academic Campus Directors ;
VI – Faculties representatives;
VII - Students representatives;
VIII - Administrative staff in education representatives;
IX - two community representatives.

The assignments of the University Council are:

I – to establish standards and guidelines of the University, to monitor and evaluate the development of its activities;
II - to approve of amendments to the Statute with the presence of two thirds of its members and the vote of an absolute majority of those presents, in line with the relevant general rules;
III – to approve of the General Regulations of the University;
IV – to approve of the creation, modification and termination of the Campuses, University Units, undergraduate courses and Complementary Bodies;
V - to approve of the regulations of the Campuses and University Units;
VI – to decide on general rules for the filling of faculty positions;
VII - to examine and to approve of the Executive Vice-Rector´s appointments by the Rector upon their inquiry;
VIII – to review decisions of the councils mentioned in items III to VIII from the Statute;
IX - to decide on appeals against decisions of the Boards mentioned in the previous item;
X- to authorize the opening of public competitions for entrance in the faculty career, as well as the provision of Full Professor positions, observing the relevant legal standards;
XI - to decide on faculty distribution;
XII - to approve the budget proposal and accountability of the University after the manifestation of the Board of Trustees;
XIII – to decide on the allocation of the budgetary and extra budgetary funds;
XIV - to decide on the opening of additional credits;
XV - to decide on the disposition of the property assets of the University;
XVI – to decide on the acceptance of bequests and donations, when clauses or resulting burden applies;
XVII - to decide on the expansion of the physical structure of the University, as well as on the implementation of remodelings in this structure;
XVIII - to decide on legal complaints against acts of the Rector and the Executive Vice-Rectors;
XIX - to comment on the appeals presented in case of faculty dismissals, subject to the relevant legal rules;
XX – to approve of the creation and granting of honorary titles and awards;
XXI – to establish the Faculty Evaluation Standing Committee, the Internal Commission of Career Supervision and other standing or temporary committees;
XXII – to perform all other acts that fall within its competence by law or Statute.