Special student enrollment

According to the PPG-ICTMAR regulations, approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, any graduate student in a higher education program recognized by the Brazilian Ministry for Education and Culture (MEC) or enrolled in other Graduate Programs may apply as a Special Student at PPG-ICTMar.

The Internal Regulation of the PPG-ICTMAR establishes that: 

  • The Special Student must submit a formal application to enroll in courses of the PPG-ICTMAR. The Special Student enrolment requires the approval of the lecturer who acts as course coordinator.

  • The Special Student will be entitled to the certificate if he achieves the minimum grade for approval in the course.

  • The credits obtained as a Special Student may be used to obtain the Master's degree at PPG-ICTMar, provided that the student is regularly admitted to the Program's selection process, within a maximum period of 2 years, after the conclusion of the course.