Divulgada a Programação do ICSEMIS 2016

Confira abaixo a programação do ICSEMIS - International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport 2016, que acontecerá de 31 de agosto a 04 de setembro acontecerá, no Mendes Convention Center, em Santos.

Realizado uma vez a cada quatro anos no país sede dos Jogos Olímpicos, é um dos eventos mais importantes nas áreas de Educação Física, Ciências do Esporte e Medicina Esportiva em âmbito mundial.

O evento que terá como tema "dizer sim a diversidade no esporte” está em sua terceira edição e está sendo organizado em parceria entre a Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), o Comité Paralímpico Internacional (IPC), a Federação Internacional de Medicina do Esporte (FIMS) e o Conselho Internacional de Ciências do Esporte e da Educação Física (ICSSPE). Além disso, contará com o apoio da Prefeitura de Santos e também da Unicamp, USP, UNESP e UFMG.

A previsão é que o Congresso receba cerca de 4 mil participantes de 70 países, entre atletas, dirigentes, cientistas e estudantes. Ao todo serão cerca de dez palestrantes principais, além de 16 simpósios, durante os quais serão abordados temas como genética, política, neurociência, elegibilidade e inclusão, nutrição, reabilitação, pedagogia, sociologia, tecnologia e psicologia ligados ao esporte, dentre outros temas.

Mais informações: http://www.icsemis2016.org/


From August 31 to September 04, 2016

Event Schedule

Aug 31 (Wednesday)

8 a.m to 6:30 p.m | Mendes Convention
Institutional Stand: Commerce Social Service (SESC) Actions, General Information, and enrolment for the activities programmed.

Sep 01 (Thursday)

7 a.m to 7:30 p.m | Beach Tent
Body practices | Sports clinics | Recreation

8 a.m to 6:30 p.m. | Mendes Convention
Institutional Stand: Commerce Social Service (SESC) Actions, General Information, and enrolment for the activities programmed.

10 a.m to 5 p.m | Mendes Convention
Fictional Audio tour: Audio-guided experience through Santos Historical Center
Exit – Sesc’s Institutional Stand

2 p.m | Mendes Convention
Visit to social projects: ‘Associação dos Cortiços de Santos’ – Paquetá neighborhood
Exit - Sesc’s Institutional Stand

8 p.m | The Square in front of SESC or SESC’s Outdoor Court or SESC’s Gymnasium
Acrobatic Gymnastics: Rudá
Gymnastics performance of trampoline acrobatics, with the gymnast Gustavo Lobo, former member of Cirque du Soleil (30 min)

8:30 p.m | Comedoria do SESC (SESC’s food court)
Music Performance: ‘Misturada’ Project
The project was designed by the musicians João Romualdo, Felipe Romano, and Theo Cancello from Santos, in honor of the work of the legendary instrumental group ‘Quarteto Novo’, formed in the 60’s by Hermeto Pascoal, Airton Moreira, Heraldo do Monte and Theo de Barros. In this tribute, the musical arrangements intensify the percussion, through the insertion of metals which grant a club-like tune to the already acclaimed repertoire, with a unique mixture of rhythms from the Northeastern region of the country, jazz, and a flirtation with the Caribbean music (70 min)

Sep 02 (Friday)

7 a.m to 7:30 p.m | Beach Tent
Body practices | Sports clinics | Recreation

8 a.m to 6:30 p.m. | Mendes Convention
Institutional Stand: Commerce Social Service (SESC) Actions, General Information, and enrolment for the activities programmed.
10 a.m to 5 p.m | Mendes Convention - Exit – Sesc’s Institutional Stand
Fictional Audio tour: Audio-guided experience through Santos Historical Center

2 p.m | Mendes Convention - Exit – Sesc’s Institutional Stand
Visit to social projects: ‘Instituto Arte no Dique’

8 p.m | SESC’s Main Entrance or the Square in front of SESC
Dance Performance and BMX: ‘Bolero de 4’
The performance, which has direction and concept from the dancer Luiz Abreu and was created and is performed by the dancer João Rafael, suggests a dialog between the principles and elements of contemporary dance and the techniques of BMX and extreme sports, by performing artistic movements and bicycle stunts. Dancing at the sound of the traditional ‘Bolero de Ravel’, the classical orchestrated piece by Maurice Ravel, the dancer creates a choreography that is adequate to the performance, and opens new possibilities for aggregating the bicycles to the scene (16 min)

8:30 p.m | Comedoria do SESC (SESC’s food court)
Music Performance: Roda de Samba do Ouro Verde com Didi Gomes e Monique da Rocha
Ouro Verde club, founded in 1950, houses the oldest and most traditional show of samba and choro (Brazilian rhythms) in Santos. In this show, the traditional group will be accompanied by two of the most promising singers in the region: Didi Gomes and Monique da Rocha (90 min)

Sep 03 (Saturday)

7 a.m to 7:30 p.m | Beach Tent
Body practices | Sports clinics | Recreation

8 a.m to 6:30 p.m. | Mendes Convention
Institutional Stand: Commerce Social Service (SESC) Actions, General Information, and enrolment for the activities programmed.

9 a.m to 12 p.m | Beach Tent
Trekking: Descovering ‘Ponta da Praia’ neighborhood

10 a.m to 5 p.m | Mendes Convention
Fictional Audio tour: Audio-guided experience through Santos Historical Center
Exit – Sesc’s Institutional Stand

2 p.m | Mendes Convention
Visit to social projects: Vegetable garden “Bons Frutos” – Elos Institute
Exit – Sesc’s Institutional Stand

8 p.m | Comedoria do SESC (SESC’s food court)
Circus Performance: Cafi Otta
The circus artist Cafi Otta, who has almost 20 years of experience, has already worked with some of the most important groups in Brazil, such as ‘Acrobático Fratelli’, ‘Circodélico, and ‘Nau de Ícaros’. The expert in juggling, unicycle, and balancing is the creator of Namakaca company, and puts art and sport together. He has already taken part in marathons and world championships in countries such as Cuba, Canada, and Germany (20 min)

8:30 p.m | Comedoria do SESC (SESC’s food court)
Music Performance: Sandália de Prata (Silver Sandals)
The skeleton of the group’s rhythmic scheme is the samba, in its different fronts like samba-rock or gafieira, as well as a variety of influences and sounds that go from Latin music and jazz to soul music and blues (90 min)

Sep 04 (Sunday)

7 a.m to 6 p.m | Beach Tent
Body practices | Sports clinics | Recreation

8 a.m to 6 p.m | Mendes Convention
Institutional Stand: Commerce Social Service (SESC) Actions, General Information, and enrolment for the activities programmed.

9 a.m to 12 p.m | Gathering at the Beach Tent
Trekking: Discovering the Port of Santos

10 a.m to 5 p.m | Mendes Convention
Fictional Audio tour: Audio-guided experience through Santos Historical Center
Exit – Sesc’s Institutional Stand

12 p.m | Mendes Convention
Hip Hop Performance: BBoy Battle with Dj and B’ Box, and Dynamic Breakers Group
Music and dance performance related to the Hip Hop culture in Santos (20 min)

2 p.m | Mendes Convention
Ecotourism: Boat Ride to Diana Island
Exit – Sesc’s Institutional Stand