Courses Offered

Courses offered by the Program to regularly enrolled and special students

1st Semester 2019
Courses offered in the 1st semester of 2019

2nd Semester 2018
Courses offered in the 2nd semester of 2018

1st Semester 2018
Courses offered in the 1st semester of 2018

2nd Semester 2017
Courses offered in the 2nd semester of 2017

1st Semester 2017
Courses offered in the 1st semester of 2017

2nd Semester 2016
Courses offered in the 2nd semester of 2016

Course Selection System:

Registrations for regular students (enrolled and approved in the master's program) from December 20, 2018 to January 28, 2019, click here to access the Discipline Selection System.

Note: this system is not available for special students; these, when filling out a specific registration form, must also select up to two electives.

Registration for special student from January 7th to 28th, 2019 Click here to access the Online Enrollment System - Special Student.