Graduation Program in Bioproducts and Bioprocesses

Unifesp's trajectory reflects the commitment of its community to the pursuit of excellence in its teaching, extension and research activities, developed in an integrated manner and based on listening to society's demands. This commitment results in training of professional, which have solid technical and scientific, but also humanistic background.

Currently, Unifesp has six campuses offering 27 undergraduate courses. Among the Graduation Programs, there are 51 Master’s, 38 Doctorate’s and 5 Professional Master’s Degree Programs, of which more than 50% were accredited before 1984. This scenario contributes to the maintenance and growth of an enabling environment for training activities, production of knowledge and dialogue with society, and for the qualification of its role as an Institution of Higher Education of national and international reference.

As the first local public university in Baixada Santista Area, the insertion of Unifesp creates the possibility of training highly qualified professionals and researchers, mainly in key areas such as technology, health and marine sciences. Based on these facts, a group of professors, who were already performing interdisciplinary research in Health and Marine Sciences areas, joined their projects to elaborate the Graduate Program in Bioproducts and Bioprocesses.

It is worth emphasizing that the Graduate Program in Bioproducts and Bioprocesses makes the interface between two strategic areas of our Campus, the Health and Marine Sciences Areas, which leads to the development of lines of research that are carried out in collaboration, involving personnel from two departments (Biosciences and Marine Sciences), aiming at the creation and development of new products and processes mainly from marine biodiversity, to be used for human health and in the environment.


Coordinator: Profa. Dra. Ana Claudia Muniz Renno
Vice-coordinator: Profa. Dr. Paula Christine Jimenez