
Enrollment - 2017 - MSc in Food Science, Nutrition and Health

Registration Information for the MSc in Food Science, Nutrition and Health Application Process

10/02/2017 - Students Approved on the Specific Knowledge Test and Interview Schedule
17/02/2017 - Final Result


Notice of the selection process: Click here to view
Bibliography: Click here to view
Registration form: Click here to sign up

Application Process Schedule

Application Period: September 26 - January 27, 2017 at 16:59
Selection process: February 06-17, 2017
Final result: February 20, 2017


Enrollment: The applicants should first contact the professor of the program they wish to develop their research project with
- Please click here to view the research lines.
- Please click here to view the list of professors, their respective Lattes Curricula, and contacts.

List of documents required for enrollment:
1 - RG (ID)
2 - CPF
3 - Bachelor's degree
4 - Academic record
5 - Lattes curriculum
6 - Photo (size 3x4 cm)
7 - Pre-project
8 - Letter of recommendation (see checklist)
9 - Acceptance letter (click here for a model)

Important information:

1- All documents must be scanned in PDF file format; photos must be in JPEG / JPG, XPM, GIF, or PNG format.

2- The letter of recommendation is the statement in writing that a professor, counselor, or other professional who has monitored the applicant in scientific research activities, monitoring, internship, specialization, improvement or other professional activities, that describes the applicant's performance.

3- The acceptance letter consists of a statement produced by the potential supervisor, committing to mentor the applicant in case of qualification on the application process.

4- The research pre-project consists of a proposal presented by the applicant considering the line of research intended. The content of the pre-project must include: title, description of the problem, objectives, materials and methods used, expected results and references. It must be presented in text format with up to 5 pages, font size 12 pt and 1.5 line spacing.

5- If the applicant does not have access to his/her undergraduate degree, he/she must provide a statement from the university mentioning the scheduled course completion or diploma request receipt.

6- The selection process will consist of the following steps:
- Specific knowledge test considering the recommended reading list. The candidates of the three lines of research will do the same test;
- Interview (academic goals and research pre-project);
- Curriculum analysis.