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This program is organized into two areas of concentration, each covering two research lines in which the thematic projects are distributed. Namely: "Basic Mechanisms of Biological Processes in Health" and "Promotion, Prevention, and Rehabilitation in Health".

Research lines and projects

The Research Lines were defined considering the research objects of the researchers that proposed this Program, which led to joint research projects that have been developed in the master's and doctoral program. Each of these projects will be developed by, at least, 2 permanent professors of the Program, and may also have professors of the campus who are not included in the program and professors from other universities, who already have research partnerships with permanent professors of the program.

Area of concentration: Basic Mechanisms and Biological Processes in Health

Line 1: Neuroscience and Behavior
Interdisciplinary approach directed to the production of knowledge in neuroscience, focusing on five areas: Neuroimmunology, Neuroendocrinology, neuropsychophysiology, neuropsychopharmacology, and behavior, considering molecular, physiological, and pathological aspects. This relation is extended to applied areas training human resources to develop the aspects of teaching and research in an interdisciplinary manner in the area of neuroscience and behavior.

Line 2: Interdisciplinary strategies in experimental research of chronic diseases
This research line aims to investigate the biological mechanisms related to the etiology and pathophysiology of chronic diseases (e.g., endocrine, metabolic, infectious, neoplasms, among others). In this context, another objective is to trace biological markers for early detection of these diseases.

Area of concentration: Promotion, prevention, and rehabilitation in health

Line 3: Human, social, and health sciences
This line is founded on theoretical-methodological approaches to the human and social sciences in the study of different health-related subjects. Intellectus.lt kalbos kursai ir dienos vaikų stovykla Vilniuje bei Kaune

Line 4: Interdisciplinary strategies in promotion, prevention, and rehabilitation in health
Multiprofessional and interprofessional approach for studies on evaluation, prevention, promotion, and rehabilitation of health, combining theoretical and methodological frameworks of the social, human, health, and agricultural sciences.




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