Sarau do Projeto Quilombagem e Escola: da memória à história pública marca presença na Semana da Consciência Negra na Unifesp


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Unifesp e a Secretaria de Saúde de Santos promovem evento sobre prematuridade

A Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp) e a Secretaria de Saúde da Prefeitura de Santos promovem nos dias 18 e 19 de novembro um evento sobre prematuridade. O objetivo é abordar questões importantes relacionadas ao cuidado com bebês prematuros, reunindo especialistas, profissionais da área da saúde e estudantes.

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Projeto de Extensão “Pare de Fumar: Apoio para uma Vida Sem o Tabaco” oferece suporte não medicamentoso para cessação do tabagismo em Santos

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Brasil e Governança Pesqueira Internacional: Estudo do Instituto do Mar da Unifesp Aponta Desafios e Oportunidades

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Presidente Lula visita ações da UNIFESP na 21a Semana Nacional da Ciência e Tecnologia

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Cronograma de dedetização do Campus Baixada Santista

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Convite para o 2º Encontro do Fórum Permanente de Discussão do PPP

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Nota Técnica Comissão Eleitoral e Prorrogação da votação

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[PERÍODO PRORROGADO] Eleição dos conselhos centrais, órgãos colegiados e CIS-PCCTAE


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Comunicado Importante para Estudantes da Unifesp (ISS e IMar)


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Admission of Students


  • The candidate must first contact the professor of the program he intends to develop his research project with (access here).
  • The required documentation must be digital in pdf format. It should include a letter from the possible advisor accepting the guidance, with his/her signature, RG, CPF, Graduate Diploma (front and back), Graduation History and Lattes curriculum, plus a 3x4 cm photo (in JPEG / JPG, XPM, GIF or PNG format).
  • If the candidate does not have the undergraduate diploma in hand, it will be required a declaration from the university stating the expected completion of the course or the protocol for applying for the diploma.

Selection process will consist of the following steps:

First phase:

Specific knowledge (eliminatory and classificatory) and knowledge of the English language (eliminatory). Candidates who reach a score equal to or higher than seven points in the test of specific knowledge and a score equal to or higher than five points in the test of knowledge of the English language will be approved for the second phase.
The first phase will last 4 hours for the specific knowledge test and 2 hours for the English language test.

  • Specific knowledge test: on the day of the selection, a scientific article in English will be made available to the candidate. This paper will address a specific topic of the line of research that was chosen by the candidate at the time of registration. The candidate will answer the questions related to the text and may use an English-Portuguese dictionary for the test.
  • Proof of knowledge of the English language (English proficiency): it will consist of an English text, addressing a general theme. The candidate must answer 10 multiple choice questions and can use an English-Portuguese dictionary.

Second level:

  • Interview (eliminatory);
  • Analysis of the Lattes curriculum (classificatory).

 Important information:

  • Number of places: click here to see the number of places available per advisor.
  • The scientific articles and texts that will be used during the first phase will be available to candidates only at the time of the test.
  • The location of the events will be informed by email.
  • The location and time of the second phase will be informed when the result is announced

DOCTORATE - Graduate Program in Bioproducts and Bioprocesses

Registration is now open for the selection process of the Post-Graduate Program in Bioproducts and Bioprocesses - Doctorate level.

The selection process will follow the Continuous Flow system. For registration, you will need a letter from the possible advisor accepting your application.

It will also be mandatory to present the following documents for registration:

  • Printed research project;
  • Copy of identity card or equivalent document;
  • Copy of the CPF;
  • Diploma and Graduation History;
  • Lattes curriculum updated;
  • Master's degree or equivalent document;
  • Certificate of proficiency in English, following the criteria required by PRPGPq (English Language Proficiency vouchers / certificates, with the respective minimum score, corresponding to the intermediate level: Itp-Toefl - 470 points, Toefl-ibt - 52 points , Ielts - 4 points, Toeic - 450 points, Cambridge- PET-B1, Cultura Inglesa - Specific test for Unifesp, proficiency test applied by PPG-Biopro * - Certificates will be accepted if held up to 5 years before the enrollment date PhD). * it can be requested to be carried out during the selection process or presented the certificate of approval of students graduating from the PPG-Biopro master's course or similar document from other programs.
  • Board composition form for evaluating the candidate.

In possession of all the aforementioned documents, an oral presentation of the project will be scheduled to a panel composed of 02 members, formed by the possible advisor who will chair the panel and a professor from the area (external to the program). At the end of the presentation, the interview with the candidate will take place.

Ex-master students of the Post-Graduate Program in Bioproducts and Bioprocesses do not need to bring copies of the RG, CPF and Graduation Diploma, only the other documents (Project, Lattes Curriculum and Board composition form for evaluation of the candidate).

Click here to access the board composition form for the candidate's evaluation.