Campus Baixada Santista sediará o XV INTRAPET – EDUCAÇÃO PÚBLICA DE QUALIDADE: direito de todos e desafios atuais do PET

O Campus Baixada Santista da Unifesp sediará o XV INTRAPET – EDUCAÇÃO PÚBLICA DE QUALIDADE: direito de todos e desafios atuais do PET.

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Resultado do processo seletivo PET Educação Popular

Confira aqui o resultado do processo seletivo do Programa de Educação Tutorial (PET) Educação Popular: Criando e Recriando a Realidade Social.

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Exames periódicos semanais no Campus BS!

Atenção Servidores! Informamos que, a partir de setembro de 2024, os Exames Médicos Periódicos estão sendo realizados presencialmente no Campus Baixada Santista, às sextas-feiras, das 13h30 às 17h30, no Edifício Mariângela Duarte, situado à Rua Silva Jardim, 136, sala 003 (térreo).

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Bicicletário da Unidade Augusto Severo não funcionará 27/09

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Processo seletivo para o PET Educação Popular “Criando e Recriando a Realidade Social”

O PET (Programa de Educação Tutorial) Educação Popular “Criando e Recriando a Realidade Social”, busca desenvolver ações que abordem, por meio de ensino, pesquisa e extensão, algumas das expressões da questão social no contexto local. A partir de um conjunto de referenciais teórico-metodológicos viabiliza reflexões e vivências para subsidiar a formação dos discentes, contribuir com a produção do conhecimento e gerar processos de transformação da realidade dos sujeitos envolvidos na comunidade da Baixada Santista.

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Resultado Pré-Matrícula

Em atenção ao Edital de Seleção Externa 01/2024 para ingresso nos cursos de formação específica da Universidade Federal de São Paulo do Campus Baixada Santista, o Instituto do Mar publica o resultado da pré-matrícula.

Acesse o arquivo aqui.


















In the current world, knowledge needs to be produced taking into account the global character of the acquisition of knowledge. In this context, biotechnology, as an interdisciplinary area, requires reflections that go beyond local issues since it demands the application of technologies developed in different regions of the planet.

The Graduate Program in Bioproducts and Bioprocesses has a highly qualified faculty with high impact scientific production, which results from local and international partnerships. The consolidation and expansion of these collaborations is a fundamental part of the Program's strategy, which aims to both stimulate the mobility of students and teachers, as well as providing the adequate infrastructure for receiving foreign researchers who come to participate in research or teaching activities.

Students are prepared to be able to discuss science in English with international researchers, which is accomplished by offering a wide range of subjects supported by bibliography mostly in English. Some courses are offered exclusively in English and involve presentation and discussion of results in this language. In order to make the grade more flexible and allow the participation of internships abroad, mandatory subjects are offered annually. Finally, funding opportunities for exchanges from the main agencies are regularly disclosed.






Qualification Exam Request Form

Dissertation Defense Board Approval Form











Courses Offered

Courses offered by the Program to regularly enrolled and special students

1st Semester 2019
Courses offered in the 1st semester of 2019

2nd Semester 2018
Courses offered in the 2nd semester of 2018

1st Semester 2018
Courses offered in the 1st semester of 2018

2nd Semester 2017
Courses offered in the 2nd semester of 2017

1st Semester 2017
Courses offered in the 1st semester of 2017

2nd Semester 2016
Courses offered in the 2nd semester of 2016

Course Selection System:

Registrations for regular students (enrolled and approved in the master's program) from December 20, 2018 to January 28, 2019, click here to access the Discipline Selection System.

Note: this system is not available for special students; these, when filling out a specific registration form, must also select up to two electives.

Registration for special student from January 7th to 28th, 2019 Click here to access the Online Enrollment System - Special Student.



Course Catalog

Compulsory subjects

Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology
Teaching internship
Research Seminars

Elective courses

Marine and Estuarine Pollution Assessment
Toxicological health risk assessment
Integrated environmental quality assessment and monitoring
Cell Biology for Healthcare Professionals
Biomaterials and biocompatibility
Biochemistry Applied to Tissue Engineering
Biotechnology Talks
Biotechnology applied to the development of recombinant vaccines
Animal cell culture
Tissue Engineering Applied to Human Health
Gene expression applied to biotechnology
Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology
Fundamentals of Toxicological Genetics
Immunocerebral interactions and implications for psychiatric disorders
Biotechnology Research Methods and Techniques
Methods in Molecular Biology
Immunological Methods Used to Assess Vaccine Efficacy
Environmental Monitoring of Organic Contaminants
Experimental Planning and Process Optimization
Marine natural products
Psychopharmacology and Bioactive Natural Products
Chemical and Biochemical Reactors
Cell Signaling in Eukaryotic Cells - Concepts and methodology applied to cell study
Biofuel Production Technology
Gene and cell therapy
Advanced Topics in Molecular Biology and Omics
Advanced Topics in Endocrinology and Toxicology of Reproduction
Advanced Topics in Toxicological Genetics
Topics in Neuroscience and Biotechnology
Toxicology and toxicological analyzes
Use of fluorescent and bioluminescent markers for prospecting compounds with biological activity